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Fast paced and well written

Conditional Love - Cathy Bramley

I fell in love with this book from a first glimpse of its cover.  It is a wonderfully vibrant green colour with a bold illustration which makes the book stand out when seen on a bookshelf.  I was lucky enough to attend the world’s smallest book launch for this book and get my copy signed by the lovely Cathy Bramley who I had recently “met” on Twitter.


Sophie Stone is 32 and she doesn’t lead a very exciting life but after she is dumped by her boyfriend Marc on Valentine’s Day and then finds out she has inherited a house from a long lost relative, life suddenly takes unexpected turns including meeting the architect Nick.   The inheritance however comes with a condition attached, Sophie must agree to meet her father who she hasn’t seen since she was a little girl.


This is a fast paced, well written book and the character Sophie is very likeable although sometimes I wanted to shout at her to come to her senses about Marc but I take this as a good sign that I care enough about a character to want to shout at them!  There is plenty of humour in the story and I especially liked the incident where Sophie swears for the first time in her life at the most embarrassing moment.   The book also deals with some serious issues in a sensitive way.


This is a wonderful debut novel and I shall look forward with interest to read more of Cathy’s work.  Highly recommended.